fuck me...

my tim's bit/my prostate/my love for hunting small squirrels/
Saturday, Apr. 24, 2004 14:18

My moms stupid credit card keeps getting lost and she has to keep getting new ones, grrrr. Im trying to order things, and she never tells me that she got a new one. I re-ordered a tims bit and i think i will get it this time >>>

click here to see a tim's bit

.... heh, its mad! Gimme! I also ordered lube that doesnt evaporate as soon as you squirt it lol. AH! I found my prostate, its mad! It's mad! It's like , hey im your prostate, (in a tickle me elmo impression) hehehe, hehehe, that tickles! AHAHAA AHAHAHA THAT TIcKLES!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH THAT FUCKING TICKLES! (end impression)


i scare myself.

i got my pager too, its on its way in the mail!!!! there it is down there, his name is cranberry!!!

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