fuck me...

School Is Almost Done!
Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 3:29 p.m.

My head hurts, my face is gleaming with shiny chrome, and I don't like Llamas.

'Specially those albino ones... :: shivers ::

>>>Davie wants to go home.....

Davie hungey.....

Davey babling.....

I dunno. I am tired and hungey and yet strangely awake and full. It feels like Friday, but it isn't. I have school tomorrow, and I do not want to go. I need a weekend to live my own life...not Patty and Jim's life.

Don't get me wrong... I like Patty, she is awesome. I'm just saying that because she is the teacher she is the person I have an internal pre-disposition to, even if it is just because I hate homework. But yeah, Patty rocks!

Just I dunno... I am going to give the cast list sometime soon...like nowish maybe, and just add to it as time goes by...

School is almost done, and I couldn't be happier! (Well...maybe I could.)

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