fuck me...

My Possesions
A Day of Change

It is a day of change indeed. I have rid myself of almost all material things. I set myself a number, 99. I now have 99 items in my posession. When I get something new, i will have to get rid of something old. This will keep me from spending a lot of money and from making tons of purchases. These are all the things I own:

  1. Pleather Jacket
  2. Bag
  3. Wallet
  4. Stereo
  5. Laptop
  6. Webcam
  7. Killing Klowns
  8. Mirror
  9. Cell Phone
  10. Black Tie
  11. Champ Doll
  12. My Zine
  13. Queer as Folk Season One
  14. Queer as Folk Season Two
  15. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season One
  16. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Two
  17. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Three
  18. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Four
  19. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Five
  20. Angel Season One
  21. Angel Season Two
  22. Housekey
  23. Champs Tags
  24. CD Player
  25. PSX Cd Holder
  26. Brown Shirt
  27. Beanbag Chair
  28. White Lights
  29. Black Light
  30. Black Light 2
  31. Jewell Ring Without Jewel
  32. Pride Ring
  33. Cross Ring
  34. Celtic Knot Ring
  35. Mood Ring
  36. Star Ring
  37. Cha-Cha Ta-Da!
  38. Holey Bracelet
  39. Yello Watch
  40. Brian Bracelet
  41. Virgo Necklace
  42. The World According to Larry
  43. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  44. Spice Boots
  45. 6th Grade Secrets
  46. Grey Cd Case
  47. Buffy 'Once More With Feeling'
  48. Black Cd Spindle
  49. Nail Polish (Black)
  50. Anti-Persperant
  51. Are You Alone In The House?
  52. Circle of Three
  53. Everworld
  54. Sweep
  55. Photo Album
  56. Contacts
  57. Piercing Box
  58. Strobe Light
  59. Scottish Flag
  60. Celtic Material
  61. Black Eye Stick #1
  62. Black Eye Shadow
  63. ChapStick
  64. Ivory Face Dust
  65. Hair Wax
  66. Hair Spray
  67. White Dress Shirt
  68. Oxy Pads
  69. PC
  70. Playstation
  71. Welcome to the Ark
  72. To Stir a Magick Cauldron
  73. Tarot Cards
  74. Educated Guess
  75. Digital Camera (Pocket)
  76. Boxer Briefs
  77. Boxer Briefs
  78. Boxer Briefs
  79. Boxer Briefs
  80. Beige Sweater
  81. Zero Sweater
  82. Freshjive Sweater
  83. Plaid Pants (Red)
  84. Plaid Pants (Blue)
  85. Jeans (Ripped/Scribbled Ones)
  86. Batman Shirt
  87. Purple Gnome Shirt
  88. Starry Night Recreation
  89. Mister Gordo
  90. Baseball Cap
  91. Teen Witch
  92. Amsterdam Tee
  93. Belt (Blue Fire)
  94. Microphone
  95. Jeans 2
  96. Buffy's Over Clipings.
  97. OP Juice
  98. Diesel Green
  99. Face Disguise Bag

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