fuck me...

Slap That Bitch
2003-09-24 11:52 a.m.

So I decided to take a day off today. I needed it. PLus, it was only a 2hr day at school, so its better than deciding to take a full day off. I was tired and hungry and sick last night before I finally fell asleep, so yay! I'm rested all up today. I guess this means I should do some homework though, an Idea of which I am not very fond of. Oh! That reminds me, I should put up my most recent accomplishment, my 'Coming-Out' story I had to do for school. I will put it up after this, so I fully won't lose it like I do everything else. Grrrr... Paypal is going to take 4 days to let me have my gold membership... Ima slap this bitch if it doesn't hurry up.

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