fuck me...

Huh... Weird.
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 9:52 a.m.

I had the fuckiest dream, ick.

It was Andy, Paula and Maria and I all at some like daycare/waterpark/national park type thing. This reeeeeeeally hot guy like came over to paula and said 'i like your friends' motioning to the rest of us.... I was like yay! Hottie likes me. So he asked one of us to go on the water slide, and I wanted to seem you know; coooool. So I did. That didn't work he ended up liking Paula. Fucking bitch. And they fucking kissed. By this point Andy was in a wheelchair for reasons unknown to me; which I found slightly odd and may lead me to discover some deep-rooted transphobia LoL. But yeah, then we were sitting on the wall of my childhood daycare and I was just all upset but they didn't know why, then comes the subway, we all get on and go to wal*mart.... now the last part is slightly umm... random, but it was the same dream... Huh... Weird.

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