fuck me...

Boy's Don't Cry
Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003 11:35 p.m.

I just watched 'Boys Don't Cry.' That was one of the best/worst experiences of my life. It was one of the best because it showed me a perspective I have never seen before in any way. Of course I could relate to parts, but in the end, it was all new. Worst because it made me die a little inside. Whenever I see these movies, or read these articles/books, I lose a piece of myself. Knowing that there are people out there who would go to such lengths to destroy us sends a chill up my spine. And every time I watch it I lose a little more hope that we can co-exist peacefully. Are we the Queers and the Breeders? Or are we the Queers Vs. the Breeders? I will always wonder if I will ever get the answer to that question, and if it even matters. did it To blacks, men did it to women, and everyone does it to queers. They say we are equal and included while comletely ignoring or choosing not to here the bombs detonating all around us.
BAM! 'Thats so gay!'
BAM! 'What a queer!'
BAM! 'Dont be such a fag!'
BAM! 'Fudge-Packer!'


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck stop it stop yelling, stop it, please help me. stop it, dont hurt me, and stop it, your hurting me please stop it, dont touch me, and stop it, i hate you just stop it, i hate you please leave me alone, i hate you I'm not crying, I am crying, but i cant right? its not right, right? BECAUSE BOYS DONT CRY!?!?!

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