fuck me...

Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 9:46 p.m.

The people so sit across the street from my and smoke every night aren't there tonight. I feel weird. They SHOULD be there yet they aren't. I feel like I should almost walk across the street; knock on the door and say 'rain or not you muthafuckas; sit your ass on those lawn chairs.' But that wouldn't go well since I am not sure they like me. I am the creepy kid who tries to watch them without getting caught but then ends up scareing his schizophrenia in the aftermath. Constants are not so constant anymore are they? I feel sick. Not just because I'm sick; but because of the food I ate. I had two plates of penne and two bowls of salad and apple pie. All vegan ... all sitting in my stomach like grandma from Little Red Riding Hood. I wonder when Erin is coming back to Toronto; I'm not that worried. Surprised? I am. I seem to have better things to do than worry about someone else. But I wonder if appearances could be decieving - ???even to one's self???

I'm sure the path I'm taking will make it self known to me soon enough. And if it doesn't? Well then I will just have to wing it like always.



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